The Importance Of Long Distance Communication

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In 1000 BC runners were used when communication is needed between two points. Two thousand years later a Chinese worker wakes up and uses his movable type which made it easier to write down information in books. During the renaissance a newspaper reporter were able to mass print their reports to the public because of the printing press. Two hundred years later the telephone was invented which made long distance communication even more convenient for the masses. In each case the communication is the main use of the technology that is being developed in each of these eras. As the years pass by technology, not just in the communication field, is evolving to become more useful for the masses. This evolution of technology is going to continue
This presence of technology has increased the amount of knowledge humans can obtain. The advancement in communication that have been developed over the years is one way our knowledge can be expanded. Our knowledge is expanded because technology lets humans collaborate over long distances. This collaboration allows people who suffer from the theory of multiples to communicate and compare ideas. Which in turn enhances the ideas that the two people in question have come up with. People working and communicating over a distance has its drawback because it takes away from the hands on experimentation that can happen if everyone who had the same idea are present. When this is the case the people involved can talk it over and one or more of them can work on a different project because placing their talents on a different topic would in the long run provide more knowledge for humans. So far the focus has been how technology has affected the communication between people over long distances and how this affects research in the science fields.
As discussed during class, knowledge isn’t just storing more information within our brains, it is actually the connections made between the information we have acquired. These connections are all important because even with the long distance communication that technology facilitates if we do not make the connections within the data collected we cannot advance as a society. On the other hand the facilitation of the sharing of ideas can lead to mental connections by someone that they would not have been able to make without talking to the other people around the

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