The Importance Of Life In Life

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Teenage years are an interesting time of transition between childhood and adulthood. These days, it’s more common for teens to hold off taking on a job until college or even after they earn their college degree. This is a huge mistake for many reasons, they learn how to build important life skills: work ethic, financial management, and personal responsibility. Being employed early on benefits teens in many ways.
Teenagers are just becoming adults as they start to question life and enter adulthood. Parents are told that it 's important to instill in their children a strong work ethic. Some insist the kids take on chores or, later, summer jobs and part time jobs during school. There is reason to believe, however, that work ethic can be learned …show more content…

Although it’s true that working a part time job can interfere with school work, this struggle is an important lesson learned in life. Teens who work while attending school as well, learn about the hardships of an adults` life. Being an adult is full of responsibilities and have to balance all of their commitments. Learning this lesson while still a teenager offers a great opportunity to explore their options and learn. When an adult has trouble finding a job, it can be a big deal, but when teens struggle to find employment they do not have as much at …show more content…

If their grades begin to suffer or decline they are not completely benefitting from the life experience. They also may not be getting adequate sleep. Teens can always work only in the summer then to cut back on all the stress and excel in both work and in school and still benefit from experiencing both worlds. As teenagers work at a part-time job, they learn just how capable they are, building their confidence and self-reliance. This can ultimately help teens feel more independent, to develop a sense of responsibility as young

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