The Importance Of Life And Death

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What comes to mind when one thinks of death - an uncharted realm of darkness which shivers humanity from top to bottom, without blink of eye we neglect it and move on to ordinary problems of life. The very human nature of denial- a famous human defense mechanism which makes our life easier to some extent by clouding our thought process to think about nominal day to day life problems. Death according to some is the worst thing that happens to mankind and should be avoided at all cost. But one thing that troubles me sometimes is that do we really need to worry about it too much when it comes to everybody ? It surely is the supreme form of governance which brings about equality among masses and bridges the inequality that this capitalistic world has created.

In my opinion, not necessarily true, life and death are nothing but two opponents in a game competing fiercely to win and thereby leaving homo sapiens nothing but a mere outcome of the game. It is a game being played on forever, will continue forever.Doctors all around the globe boast of technical advancement in field of medical...

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