The Importance Of Isfj Personality

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After taking my temperance test, my results said that I was an ISFJ personality. ISFJ stands for introversion, sensing, feeling, and judging. While reading more into this personality I found out that ISFJ’s are very others focused, wanting to administer to others’ needs and be of service in any way possible. They are also very “by the book,” trying to make sure that rules and procedures are followed, and can become frustrated when they are not. This personality’s description also said that people with this personality are willing to work long, long hours and get things done. In reading more into my personality, it helped me to find which disabilities would be more natural for me to handle, and which ones would not. Autism is defined as a …show more content…

In fact, the student could be very bright in the other subjects that they do not struggle with, it all depends on the student. While I feel that there are many things that I can do to work well with these students, such as breaking projects into smaller tasks, presenting what I want the student to do in multiple ways, and teaching the student how to be more organized and efficient, there are also many challenges that I could have with these students. Children with this disability tend to stand too close to people while in conversation and also has struggles with misunderstanding jokes, puns, sarcasm, etc. While the misunderstandings and jokes are a bit more easily solved, personal space can be an issue with me at times. However, in my experience, this is only with adults or people my age, so the children being a bit too close should not be as much of a …show more content…

This is another disability that I feel will be more challenging for me. Having to help a student who was normal one day and now has had their life completely turned upside down the next is something that I have no doubt will take an emotional toll on me. Another reason that I feel this will be challenging for me is because of the aggressive tendency that comes with TBI’s, especially since my temperament tends to not enjoy conflict or confrontation. Although this is true, I feel that my servant like manner will help me to overcome these challenges and work through this disability with these

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