The Importance Of Intersectionality

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The identities help what makes people’s individualities to stand out uniquely because of the American society’s individuality. Intersectionality is a term for the interconnected of social categorizations such as gender, race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group as it creates an overlapping and interdependent system of discrimination or disadvantage. The emergence of intersectionality appeared in women and gender’s studies through Kimberlé Crenshaw’s writings in 1989, but the concept of intersectionality is not original for many years before Crenshaw’s works. Crenshaw wrote her article, “Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color” in 1991 to change the nature of individuality …show more content…

But the label is donned more a mark of belonging than a rally to action.” With this ability to see the understanding, it may help people to acquire the skills of understanding to understand the society they are living in fully. For instance, there are several sub-communities in Deaf communities: Black Deaf community, Deaf-Blind community, and LGBT+ Deaf …show more content…

It will take a lot of time, experiences, challenges to develop a self-identity before a person recognizes the intersectionality of the identities that have influences in their lives. When people start to emphasize more on one of the identities, another identity may be left unexplored. David Hull (Bauman, 2014) pointed out, “because environments are so variable in both the short and long term, developmental plasticity is absolutely necessary if organism are to survive to reproduce. Any organism that can fulfill a need in only one way in only a narrowly proscribed environment is not likely to survive for long. If environments change sudden for a population, then what normal or advantageous may suddenly become disadvantageous and abnormal” (Bauman, 2014, p. 30). Especially, people need to learn how to emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of deaf identities in the present day. A quote from Crenshaw’s article, “Through an awareness of intersectionality, we can better acknowledge and ground the differences among us and negotiate the means by which these difference will express in conducting group politics” (p. 1299). In other words, we need to acknowledge the intersectionality and diverse identities to synthesize them into a new concept of impartial intersectionality. People need to fight through reforming the stereotypes by showing what an entire person

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