Work Center: Shaving The Marine Corps

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LCpl Pedroza, Nathaniel Work Center: 51Alpha
May 13, 2014


Hygiene by definition, is the things that you do to keep yourself and your surroundings clean in order to maintain good health. To promote good hygiene you can shave, wash your hands, and even keep your living quarters clean and orderly. For Shaving the Marine Corp Order states in P1020.34G that “Men will be well groomed at all times. . . . The face will be clean-shaven.” This not only makes the Marines look well groomed but makes the Marines look professional and able to handle to tasks at hand. This is one of the Marine Corps ideals, is to look professional at all times, on and off duty 24/7.
Shaving on a daily basis may sound like a chore to some and unnecessary …show more content…

To those Marines who make up that small group not only do they not have good hygiene, they lack discipline. If a Marine cannot even shave in the morning what makes the other marines at his work trust he can get the work done or better yet done correctly? This is why discipline is a well needed value in the Marine Corps. Shaving is not even a hard task to do. It should take all of about 5 minutes and that is a generous amount of time to accomplish the task. Good hygiene is always number one in any work place. Working in close proximity with work colleagues can lead to germs being easily spread, especially when many employees feel pressured to come to work when they are unwell. Who wants to be next to a smelly co-worker? Especially if you have to change into uniform and even work next to them on a daily basis. Absolutely no one, that is why something as simple as shaving can combat bad hygiene. Shaving can actually help you in many ways; Shaving, for example, on a daily basis is actually a way of scrubbing away dead skin that build up on your face while you sleep. This process of shedding dead skin cells is common across men and women. This debris can get impacted within the hair follicles and lead to acne or …show more content…

Simply put, yes. Hand washing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infections. As said on, “Studies show that hand washing lowers the transmission of diarrhoea and colds, and targeted disinfection at critical sites reduces the spread of infection in the home”. Good hand washing techniques include using an adequate amount of soap, rubbing the hands together to create friction, and rinsing under warm running water. On the site they stated, “It is true that regular soap and water does not actually kill microorganisms (they create a slippery surface that allows the organisms to "slide off"), antibacterial soaps are typically considered to be "overkill" for most purposes. The exception may be in a hospital where special situations are present.” Reduces the spread of germs and disease, reduces exposure to chemicals and reduces chances of developing some skin allergies. A way to stop the spread of germs is if you have to sneeze and you don’t have a tissue is to sneeze in the armpit of your arm, then rather sneeze in your hand, then only later to wipe in on an object or worse on your own clothes and possibly later hug an individual. Paying extra attention to hygiene in the workplace is also very important. Many research studies have shown that the average office desk area has an enormous amount of bacteria and viruses on it which could be around 21,000 bacteria per square inch!

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