The Importance Of Harmony In Society

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Harmony is something that is very rare to be found in todays world for there is no unity among the people in this world. Most say the reason behind this is the diversity of the dimension of race, the ethnicity of race, gender,sexual orientation, socio-economic status , age , physical abilities , religious beliefs , or other ideologies which is not recognized by most people.The real reason is that no one understands or accepts the true meaning and importance of diversity.Even if it is accepted by todays society they should know how to nurture and cherish it for it is important for the futures salvation of unity between people of this society. Harmony is precious it is not easy to obtain for to obtain such a boon there should and …show more content…

For example,when one goes for a job interview he may not get the job if he is a different race but only in some cases.They do not understand that they are just postponing or even worse stopping the growth of the future generation .

It is one that recognizes tht people with different backgrounds,skills,attitudes and experiences bring fresh ideas and perceptions. That is how diverse organizations encourage and harness these differences to make their services relevant and approachable. Diverse organizations draw upon the widest possibile range of views and experiences so it can listen to and meet the changing needs of its users. The encouragement of diversity benefits society.However,diversity as a wide component is a tricky thing to use and understand because it has both negative and positive effects on society such as education,violence and employment.People have to dig deep to figure out what exactly the effect will be in the end and everyone should be patient to wait and see for it is not far away.That is why it should be nurtured and cherished to see what effect it will exactly have good or bad either way the future holds that …show more content…

This diverse society was made possible because when during the British rule on Malaysia many diverse races lived in Malaysia for a livng. in the beginning they were all strangers but when it came to fight for their rights of equality in Malaysia they had all banned rogether to fight for independence against their
British rulers.One of the main races that fought for independence Were Tunku
Abdul Rahman from the Malaysia,Tun VT Sambanthan from the Indians and Tun
Tan Cheng Lock from the Chinese.In the end after much sacriface and protests Malaysia had finally gained independence on 31 august 1957.This shows the power of the unity of what the diverse races and cultures are capable of for united we stand divided we fall.

Moreover , the diverse characteristics is what makes eyeryone out of t he ordinary from everyone else and makes them special. Besides what fun will it be if everyone is the same wheres th excitement in that if we are all the same there would no point in living life to the fullest,nothing to strive for and no one to surpass as your rival. To make it simple individualism plays

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