The Importance Of Global Peace

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Can global peace be achieved? The idea that the world might come together to embrace peace seem far-off with the current events happening around the global, however, despite the current discord, the attempts at achieving global peace is an ongoing venture. With the twenty-four hours news cycle inundating viewers with the latest attack or tragedy, peace seems to be a far-fetch dream, but that is not the case; the world is more peaceful now than ever due to the development of the internet and the efforts developed by the United Nations, such as, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sport for Development and Peace (SDP).
The advent of the internet has allowed the world to be more connected and up-to-date on events from all over the world. …show more content…

Through the efforts for the U.N. and like minded organization, attaining peace isn’t impossible. One ongoing effort by the U.N. that reaches its set goal from 2015 is the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); a set of goals put in place to help the poorest by “halving extreme poverty rates to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education.” According to the MDGs 2015 reports, the extreme poverty rate of developing nation has drop from forty-seven percent, in 1990, to fourteen percent, in 2015. The MDGs report also showed improvement in education and gender equality within the developing nations. These improvements to the world are a step in the right direction to achieving an equal and peaceful …show more content…

Throughout history sport has serve as a respite for warring countries. For example, during the 9th century BC, ancient Greek “temporarily stops the war between the Peloponnesian city-states during the celebration of the Olympic Games.” During World War I, sport also initiated the Christmas Truce of 1914, wherein, Germany and English troops temporarily called a truce and exchanged Christmas gifts and played football. According to Cardenas, these humane moments shows the potential of using sport as a bridge between conflicting ideologies and culture. Since sport is prevalence in all culture and society, it can be the catalyst to bring culture together to share a common

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