Star Bellied Sneeches Research Paper

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Much like Dr. Seuss’s Star-bellied Sneeches, people are all the same at their core despite appearances. Fictional characters and humans alike still face discrimination because of biological differences. Women in particular face prejudices globally. Issues such as wage discrimination, arranged marriages, and poor sexual health awareness effect over the half the world’s population. In order for total equality to exist, these problems must be addressed and conquered. The responsibility to solve the social inequality lies with everyone. Empowerment is a key aspect in not only raising awareness for women’s rights but allows those facing discrimination to fight for themselves. One way individuals and society as a whole can empower is through governmental activism. Legislation promoting equality, such as the Equal Pay Act, help women receive fair wages for equal work. Other laws that improve women’s rights are those abolishing arranged marriages. Fighting against arranged marriages solves other societal issues such as the fact “only 40 percent of Indian women can read, compared with 60 percent of men” (Kazmin). …show more content…

While the world may not live in peace, it is an attainable goal if humanity works together. The research findings align with my personal opinions. For instance, the glass ceiling prevents workplace opportunities “despite years of equal opportunity and affirmative action efforts, women remain concentrated in certain lower-level positions” (Alkadry). This is often not seen but felt in the lives of women. I feel agree “this is a critical time for young women to be empowered; currently more than half the world’s population is under 30… and is projected to rise 75 percent over the next decade”(Ngcuka). Improving the lives of the generation can influence future women to do the

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