The Importance Of General Education

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Many college students complain that general education courses are a waste of time and money, however various complications would ensue if general education courses were eliminated. The abolition of general education, would displace several components of college that benefit millions of students. For instance, the countless college students who undecided on a major, or students who switch their major during college. Furthermore, most majors require prerequisite knowledge of basic concepts in either Math, Science, English, and the Social Sciences. Simply skipping several semesters worth of a well balanced education would be a disastrous course of action, with various implications for college students, and community college as a whole. …show more content…

The omission of general education requirements in college would many students unprepared for their major coursework. For instance, a student pursuing a career in the medical field would ill afford to skip science courses, while aspiring Engineers need to master various mathematical concepts through math courses. Furthermore, students in various disciplines would be at a disadvantage from missing out on crucial information gained in general education courses. Ultimately, General education gives students a well balanced education, developing student’s overall understanding of the world around …show more content…

Skipping general education requirements in college may leave many students unprepared for their major coursework. For instance, a student pursuing a career in the medical field would ill afford to skip science requirements, while aspiring Engineers need to enroll in Math courses to master various mathematical concepts. Furthermore, students in various disciplines would be at a disadvantage from missing out on crucial information gained in general education courses. Ultimately, general education courses provide students with a well balanced education, developing a student 's preparation for various

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