The Importance Of Followership

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Statement of the Problem In research, business, and life there is much focus and attention given to leaders and the importance and desire of leading with little thought given to followers or following. People hear phrases such as “don’t be a follower” and develop a negative image of what followers are or the role they fill (Kellerman, 2007; Kelley, 1988). Followers are necessary for leaders to lead, a fact that is often taken for granted. Both roles are required for an organization to function and individuals find themselves moving from role to role as the situation changes or allows. Followership is of importance because a better understanding of an organization’s people provides stronger communication and relationships that ultimately lead to success if positive, or failure if negative or weak. Attention to the significance of followership gives an organization a greater appreciation for follower roles and develop healthy attitudes toward followers. There is a need to break away from the negative view of followers to strengthen the organization and bring about a more cohesive relationship between all members and levels. Evidence shows that followers and leaders share similar traits (McCallum, 2013), leaders often depend on followers (Oc …show more content…

Followership dominates organizations and the lives of those who make up the organizations while participating in behaviors and firm outcomes that lead to various levels of performance (Oc & Bashshur, 2013). The team benefits from a greater understanding and appreciation of followership since they work together sharing information throughout their projects or everyday tasks. From here a commitment emerges which often serves to encourage others, build positive morale, and increase loyalty among a group (Kelley, 1988; Bjugstad et al., 2006; Currie,

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