The Importance Of Ethnic Heritage And Identity

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One’s true mark of Identity Defines Its heritage or a reasonable piece of Detail on their personality. An Ethnicity represents the cultural Heritage to someone’s Identity, and shows all the information of their background related to the kind of person you are described as. Ethnic Heritage and Identity demonstrate that culture gives an identical background. Where you come from or wherever your background Is related to a location, you have an ability to change that into something a little more precise. “My Mother believed you could be anything you wanted to be in America, or the homeland of freedom she would say. You could be rich, and you could be instantly famous. You could work for the government, and get a good retirement.” said on page 18, by Amy Tan. “This is a tale of two sisters from Calcutta, Mira and Bharati, who have lived in the United States for some 35 years. While expecting the permanent protection and economic benefits that come with living and working in America.” said on page 70, by Bharati M. My topic for my supporting quotes/texts have the same topic of the birth place or culture that appears from you. Proving that my supporting text claims the details and opinion of the main topic, and the changes or …show more content…

Everyone sees each other differently, no matter if it’s the same race or ethnicity. How we see each other puts us into curiosity and learning new perceptions of that person, person’s culture, or their birthplace. It all affects the way we see everything with our identities, and our type of personality. No matter if you have multiple races, ethnicities, or nationalities more than someone else, the truth is all of that crawls up to a ball of information relating your culture, and identity. Most cultures

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