How Does Globalization Shape One's Identity

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The world is becoming a smaller place because of globalization. Diversity is disappearing faster than before. Because of the advancement of technology, communication across various countries today is easier and faster than it is before. Trading goods have also significantly improved over time. Cultures and traditions of different countries have reached a lot of places. In this gradually advancing world, keeping up will be hard if one cannot accept change. Though undergoing change might result in losing a part of one’s identity, sometimes it’s necessary for survival and is not always a bad thing. Globalization should not shape one’s identity because preserving individual identity is important, but its influences does not need to be totally …show more content…

The differences of cultures from one country to another is what makes the world interesting. The pressure of losing one’s identity because of the fast spreading of other cultures, makes one strive harder to express themselves so they can be recognize and would not be forgotten. The cultures and traditions that exist today came from the ancestors who managed to create a civilization and protected it successfully. All of the existing cultures today came from them. Completely changing oneself just to fit into the society is just like throwing away a gift one’s parents work hard for because they don’t like it. It is important to respect the people whom every person’s identity come from. Without them, one would not have a place they call their homeland.

Globalization is everywhere. It’s almost impossible to avoid completely. Globalization has become a part of everyone’s life in some aspect of it. Most of the products people use today are made from a different country. If a person wants to entirely block off globalization in their life, then one of the steps to accomplish that is to stop buying all those products made from a different country. But this is incredibly hard to accomplish since often a country doesn’t produce a lot of products that they don’t specialize in or they don’t have the resources to produce

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