The Importance Of Employer's Uses On Social Media

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Over the years, an increasing number of Americans use social media to express their daily life. Employers have become increasingly concerned about how employees and potential employees are posting on social media. A background check shows a person criminal records or financial records but it doesn 't give an insight on who the person is truly is. Employer’s should have the right to request social media passwords from prospective employees. Employers ask for employees social media password because it allows them to see the workers posting offensive messages or negative statements about the company, keep tabs on the employees, whether they are on duty or off, and see if the potential employee is professional or a qualified job applicants. Employees …show more content…

People can’t spend an hour without checking their phone. When employers see that you are on social media while at work, that shows you 're a irresponsible and can be easily distracted. When an employee is at work, they should be focused on the job, not what 's going on social media. When it comes to a workplace you put your job first and personal life second. Anything can happen at the workplace and if its your responsibility to do a certain task and you didn 't complete it because you were too busy looking at your phone, that looks bad on your part. When the employers have this right to see what their employee doing on social media especially during work. It gives them an insight on the job, if their employees is working or not. For example, if a doctor is on their phone looking through social media and isn 't giving the patient the proper diagnosis, it result it in malpractice or negligence. And when they see the doctor was on his or her phone while working, it shows the doctor is irresponsible and in capable in focusing on the job. In a way, it 's beneficial for an employer to keep tabs on the employees social …show more content…

When employers see what you post on social media, it gives them an insight on who you are as a person outside of work. When an employer see you post something unprofessional or somethings dealing with nudity or unlawful things. It allows them to see who you are as character but also if you are a great fit for the company. For example, a teacher can get fired for posting certain things on social media. No school district is going to want a teacher is showing his or herself off on social media or if the teacher is having an contact with the student outside of school. Students sometimes look up to their teacher as a role model, if a student see what their teacher is doing on social media, they may follow too. Which isn 't a good look for the school or the teacher. Or when an employer see you well put together during the interview but see you posting about guns or violence, they prevented themselves from a potential threat, When an employer see what you are posting, it gives them an insight on who you are and if you would be a great candidate for the

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