The Importance Of Digital Communication, And Digital Literacy

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Although I consider Digital Security a detrimental part of the nine elements of Digital Citizenship surrounding the entertainment, film and media industry–many other elements come to mind that are just as important, specifically Digital Communication, and Digital Literacy.
 Digital Security – Access to confidential and licensed information runs rapid in cyberspace, therefore entertainment industry professionals must stay many steps ahead of digital security to protect their companies, creative talent and clients–as well as the product and work produced by staying sustainable. o A past co-worker received an email in her work inbox that looked suspicious, she opened the email, clicked on links in the email, and set off a virus in the organization. …show more content…

IT now sends out memos regarding what to do if you see a suspicious email, which I am sure has saved many more employees from making the same mistake.
 Digital Communication – The world of entertainment runs on networking, making digital connections and creating relationships. Having the ability to connect to the world at any time by digital device, through any medium calls for nothing but world class digital communication skills, and critical thinking skills. We all must think critically think about a subject before making any decision related to digital communications in the business, as it relates to creative talent using social media, or a press release on the company website, just to name a few. o I do not know of anyone who has had an issue with this 3rd digital citizenship theme, although the implications to one not being aware would include, not getting a job offer or even losing a job due to what one may have lurking out in cyber space.
 Digital Literacy – How digital literate are you?
Imagine, how it would feel to own your very own computer for the very first …show more content…

One key to being the best digital citizen in cyberspace is do not post, say, type or do anything that you would not do in front of your parents. If you do, the negative can haunt you in the long run.
Clear communication via email, and instant messaging are traits of a stellar digital citizen. For instance, I appreciate a person that sends me an email that is direct, and to the point verses wordy, and all over the place. This is because the sender thought enough about me, to save me some time, by writing a good email, which in turn tells me they value me and my time.

Sony Pictures digital breach, I believe has impacted the industry by waking up organizations, and nudging them to enhance their security and keep this issue at the forefront of life long projects to stay abreast of the cybercriminal. The breach influenced me to better understand the importance of this issue and how I should handle it when I have my own firm.

Unfortunately, I am not aware of other situations in the industry. Although, I am thrilled to take this lesson with me long and far, and help others with my knowledge on the

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