The Importance Of Dental Implants

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Losing a tooth or teeth is a significant loose for a person. The lack of teeth can affect the emotional and physical appearance of people. Teeth help with speech, mastication, bone strength and face structure, so any changes in the presence of teeth can with the normal functioning of any of these aspects. If missing the front teeth a person won’t feel comfortable smiling and also won’t be able to pronounce certain sounds. When a tooth is gone the bone that was around that tooth will shrink. For many years, humans had been trying to restore to its place the teeth that had been lost in order to reverse all the negative consequences of the lack of teeth. At the beginning very rudimentary types of dental bridges were tried but overtime humans tried to insert human teeth or artificial teeth back into the jawbone. It took a lot of trial and error, observation, investigation, and some individuals risked their freedom by examining cadavers that were obtained illegally. Dental implants have become the best option regarding to tooth lose because of its proximity to the function of a natural teeth that the other teeth do not have. Nowadays, dental implants are done all around the world and many people can have access to them but its cost is …show more content…

In order to create a bridge it is necessary to sacrifice good teeth to form abuntments that will support the crowns. The pontic is superficially placed over the gingival where food and bacteria can accumulate, and the lifespan of a bridge tents to be from 10 to 15 years. A dental implant is focused on the space of the missing tooth or teeth and does not involve sacrificing good teeth. Because implants go into the actual bone, the bone density can be preserved according to the Dental Surgeon Wayne Brueggen, having dentures can reduce the lifespan of a person up to 10 years because it reduces the chewing capabilities by more than 75

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