The Importance Of Prosthetic Devices

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Our local Colorado Orthotics and Prosthetics Service’s say “Prosthetic devices also offer a better quality of life for those who have had an amputation, and that there are replacement hands that can grasp items and allow patients to perform everyday tasks with greater ease.” They also assert that, “Artificial legs can help patients walk again without the use of a wheelchair.” Any prosthetic can help a patient live fuller and a more productive life than they might otherwise experience, but with every pro there is a con.
The downfalls to using prosthetic devices are the risk of technical complications and/or the price. “Many insurance providers will cover the fitting and purchase of such devices, but those who don't have insurance coverage may have a harder time”(,2014). Some doctors and manufacturers might consider payment plans, but this is not always the case. There are also potential health issues related to prosthetics. “Many can cause skin irritation, and most patients undergo some level of physical therapy as they get used to using the new device”(,2014). “This can be time consuming and strenuous for some, since it is necessary to retrain and re-learn how to use certain muscle groups in many cases”(,2014). Prosthetic hands and legs serve a big role when it comes to replacing your limbs. For example, prosthetic legs and feet give you the ability to walk again, allowing you the freedom of motion that you had before the amputation. These prosthetics are also so advanced that you can walk, run, stand and kneel in an almost completely normal manner. This type of prosthetic allows complete freedom of mobility. The same goes with hands. Prosthetic hands are now designed to look and feel like ...

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...erturbation. Surprisingly, although limb stiffness vary dramatically, it does not influence the response. This result agrees with a mass–spring model, although it differs from previous findings on humans running over surfaces of varying compliance. My research explains how prosthetics are used in many ways. Prosthetics is a complex procedure used to replace an arm, foot, limb, etc., but I wanted to inform you about all the possibilities to replace a missing foot, arm, or limb. Also inform you that prosthetics has influenced many people. It gave hope to people who couldn’t perform as well as a 2 armed or 2 legged person. Learning this topic did not just tell me how prosthetics work or tell me the history of them, it taught me how to be grateful for the 2 arms and 2 legs I have. And also not to take anything for granite and made me realize that I have the advantage.

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