The Importance Of Condition Assessment And Performance Assessment

886 Words2 Pages

Condition assessments and performance assessments are interconnected, as shown in Figure XYZ. This is due to the fact that the decline of the condition of an infrastructure can result in the failure of the performance or serviceability. Preferably, condition assessments and performance assessments are collected multiple times throughout a number of years from the same section of the asset. The information attained from the condition assessment and the performance assessments can be used to make predictions of the future condition and performance of the assets. The information from these assessments is typically only valuable for a “mature” asset management system which has been in position for a significant amount of time. Due to cost and time restraints these assessments are typically not realistic for an organization to continually collect and assess data. When examining newer assets it may be beneficial to examine similar assets that have been constructed at years prior to predict the future performance and condition of the asset.

Figure XYZ. Title

Performance assessments can occur at a variety of stages in the lifecycle of an infrastructure. Depending on the stage there are key questions and decision processes that take place. The performance assessment process is notably important during the decision making, planning and implementation phases. During these phases, performance assessment provides the opportunity for the objectives and vision of the asset to be taken into account. Performance assessments can also be an effective method of testing whether or not the maintenance of an asset has been successful (as shown in Figure XYZ).

Figure XYZ. Title
Depending on the type of asset and the servic...

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... in the future. The performance assessment evaluator visited the O-Train MUP and randomly administered the form to 19 individuals on March 30, 2014.

Roughness Index
As stated earlier, due to financial and weather condition constraints, the performance evaluator was unable to implement an objective method to assess the O-Train MUP’s performance. An example of an objective performance assessment that could be implemented in the future is testing the International Roughness Index (IRI). The IRI was created to statistically indicate surface irregularity in roads and paths. These irregularities in the surface affect the ride quality and safety of the user. A procedure used to objectively evaluate the roughness of a section of road used a Machine for Evaluating Roughness using Low-cost Instrumentation (MERLIN). An example of a low cost one is in the below Figure XYZ.

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