The Importance Of Cell Phones In The Classroom

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Imagine having the most up-to-date technology in your back pocket and not being able to use it! Crazy, right? However, this is what happening all across the United States. Students have smartphones in their back pocket and are not allowed to use them for school research or projects. In some cases, the students technology is better than what their school has available. This technology should be allowed in classrooms with restriction. Parents can coordinate with students and teachers a lot better if students could bring their cellphones to school. It is beneficial when the student has their cell phone because if the student needs help they can google it on their phone. The teachers should not have to worry if their students have their phones …show more content…

Students would be on their cellphones but it would be their choice to learn or not to learn. This would affect the student not the teacher 's grade. The teacher would not have to say something to the student about their phone unless they are making noises with the cellphone. If students would chose to not pay attention it leads to consequences for their own actions. In an online book called, Cell Phones in the Classroom: A Practical Guide for Educators, that Liz Kolb wrote in 2011 it states, “The students had to donate to a local charity to use their cellphones in school”. If this kept on going and students would have to pay everyday. This would stop them from using their phone because students would not like to pay a dollar and spend a whole lot just to use their cellphones. If the student would get catch without paying they should have to pay more money then supposed to or spent the day in a detention room. If students were in a classroom and the teacher was teaching, the teacher would not want the students to be talking so they just pull out their cellphones and use messages so they do not interrupt the class. When in class teacher want to teach all they can to students but if the teacher has to stop teaching just to take away a cellphone it waste time, so the teacher does not get that couple minutes

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