Cell Phones should be Incorporated into the School Curriculum

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When parents send their children to school, they are trusting that their children are being taught everything they need to know to prepare them for the future. Parents are trusting that their children are being given every opportunity to explore every avenue of learning. With times changing rapidly, along with society turning more and more to technology, children have to be taught at an early age how to use and technology to remain current in today’s world. Technology is the direction our world is heading toward and relying on more and more each day. In the classroom, students have to be interested in what they are learning, as well as how they are learning. Cell phones should be incorporated into the school curriculum to give students another avenue of learning with the convenience of mobile devices. Most times, when it comes to technology, children tend to become very engaged and pay more attention to what is shown to them visually, rather than just listening to a teacher talk to them or reading a book. Due to the world evolving and technology being a prominent source of survival, incorporating cell phone usage in our school’s curriculum will not only engage students with a new way of learning, it will prepare students for the world outside of school as well as their future.
Children love to learn! When parents and teachers take a moment to think about the best ways to engage children and students into learning, technology is usually a main resource used to pull children of all ages into active learning, and at times helps them retain more information due to the visual aspect of technology. According to Morgan, approximately 65% of the population are visual learners as well as 90% of the information that comes to the brain is vi...

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...only as good as the creativity of the teachers who are teaching them. With technology becoming a main source of tackling everyday tasks, it is possible that bringing cell phone usage into the classroom for educational purposes can be beneficial to the students and the overall learning process.

Works Cited

Beth Humble-Thaden, M. "Student Reflective Perceptions Of High School Educational Cell Phone Technology Usage." Journal of Technology Studies 37.1 (2011): 10-16. Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.
Caverly, David C., Anne R. Ward, and Michael J. Caverly. "Techtalk: Mobile Learning and Access." Journal of Developmental Education 33.1 (2009): 38-39. Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.
Morgan, H. "Using Handheld Wireless Technologies in School: Advantageous or Disadvantageous?" Childhood Education 87.2 (2011): 139-42. ProQuest. Web. 17 March. 2014.

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