The Importance Of Athletes In Gym Class

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I am writing this letter to you to share with you my opinion on why feel athletes should not be required to participate in gym class. My opinion is based on three main factors: injures, stress and pressure to perform, and academics. It is my hope, that by then end of this letter I will have persuaded you to join me in my efforts to change this and have athletes not be participating in gym class.

The first factor contributing to my opinion is injuries. No coach should have to worry about their players being injured and not being able to play in that nights game. No athlete should either. Athletes that are participating in gym class are more likely to be injured in class rather than being more likely to be injured in the sports that they play. …show more content…

According to the article “Should Athletes Have To Take Gym Class?” by Mugs Media, “According to the report, the aim of the program is to reduce stress students feel balancing time and energy for both schoolwork and sports… Students are under so much stress with tests, homework and studying,” said Cresskill schools Superintendent Michael Burke, who also has already implemented “no homework weekends in The Record article. He said he hopes to further reduce anxiety levels through this program”. Instead of having to do gym class athletes should have study hall instead because then they can get some of their homework done instead of having a whole lot to do it when they get home at around ten o’clock from their sports when they are worn out and tired. In short, athletes should be allowed to “opt” out of gym …show more content…

Athletes who do not participate in gym class, would be allowed to have a study hall, which would give them additional time to work on academics (classwork) instead of trying to complete work after their activities. According to the article, “Why Do Student Athletes Have to Take Gym Class?” from the website Daily American, “If gym wasn’t required for student athletes, they could potentially fit in more classes, or fit in a study hall so they’re not up late at night working on homework. Instead, they could get the healthy amount of sleep to be more focused and prepared for their classes the next day”. Athletes would then be able to take extra classes to help out to get into better colleges and have a better education for themselves. By fitting in more classes they can than better understand the subject that they are struggling with and help them keep their grades

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