The Holy Land Promised to the Israelites by God

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All throughout the recorded history of conscious human life, religion has played a major role in our development. Israel isn’t just an incredibly interesting country because of the land or location, but because of its biblical relations. Being a religious landmark in many religions, Israel is believed to be the Holy Land promised to the Israelites by god.

Eretz Yisrael, meaning Israel in Hebrew, has been important and sacred to the Jewish people since Biblical times. Stated in Torah, the time of the three Patriarchs is placed on a timeline somewhere early in the 2nd millennium BCE, and the first Kingdom of Israel was believed to be present around the 11th century BCE. The city of Jerusalem is very important to Jews, Muslims and Christians, being the home of sites that are linked to their religious beliefs. The names Land of Israel and Children of Israel have been used as other names to refer to the biblical Kingdom of Israel and Judaism. The name Israel refers to the patriarch Jacob, and his struggle with God who, according to the Torah, was given the name after successfully wrestling with the angel of the Lord. Jacob had twelve sons who became the ancestors of the Israelites, also known as The Children of Israel. Jacob and his sons had lived in Canaan but were forced by famine and disease to move to Egypt. Until Moses, a great-great grandson of Jacob led the Israelites back into Canaan during the "Exodus,” Jacob’s family remained in Egypt.

Israel and the Palestinian territories make up most of the Holy Land, a land promised to all Abrahamic religions – Jews, Christians, Muslims and Baha'is — by god. Israel’s two official languages are Hebrew and Arabic; Hebrew being the primary language of the state and is spoken by the m...

... middle of paper ... their defenses and create closer military relationships between the U.S. and other receiving nations. The main Congressional support for Israel has been foreign aid via the Zionist Ben Gurion Organization stationed in Washington DC. Since 1985, it has provided nearly $3 billion in grants annually to Israel. Israel had been the largest annual recipient of American aid from 1976 to 2004, and the largest cumulative recipient of aid since World War II. Stated in the policy between the US and Israel, 74% percent of Israel’s funds must be spent purchasing US goods and services. Almost all U.S. aid to Israel is now in the form of military assistance, while in the past it also received significant economic assistance. Strong congressional support and a strategically genius alliance with Israel has resulted in Israel receiving benefits unavailable to other countries

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