The Holocaust: The Most Important Causes Of The Holocaust

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Have you heard of the greatest shock in world history? The holocaust was it. Famous people like Anne Frank and Viktor Frankl are very popular even to this day. Viktor Frankl is a survivor of the holocaust and is still known till this day. The holocaust was a very traumatizing time for many people. Many died for no reason and many sacrificed. But many people don't know what really caused the holocaust. There were a few important causes of the holocaust the first one including Adolf Hitler. Hitler was an overruling, dictator, german who was captain or leader of the nazis , which leads to the second cause. Nazis were under any control Hitler had. Nazis were basically glued to hitler. Anything he said or did they would either agree or …show more content…

The first one being Auschwitz. The location of this concentration camp was Oswiecim , Poland. This was actually three camps in one. A prison camp , extermination camp and slave labour camp. As many historians say between the years of 1940 through 1945 about at least 1.3 million were sent to the camp so about 1 million were killed or died tragically. In these camps the jews were a huge target. They were treated like non human beings. As if they weren't even real. The second concentration camp was quite similar but not fully , it was a labour and concentration camp. Located in a southern suburb in Poland. Around 20,000 people died at this camp. Not nearly as much as Auschwitz camp. The people here were treated the same. Still no respect. Same as any of the other camps. The third camp was Dachau concentration camp located in Dachau , Germany. Within the use of the camp in a total of 12 years , recorded 31,951 deaths occured. Still the same treatment. Being treated like an outside dog , Nothing but cruelty inside the concentration camps. Some people survived and some didn't , but many are remembered till this …show more content…

Anne frank was a jew that hid for awhile during the Holocaust. As she hid she wrote a diary. She hid for two years and hid in Amsterdam where her family moved to get away from the Holocaust. At the age of 15 her family and her was sent to a concentration camp. One of the many but the name was Bergen Belsen. As they quickly arrived at the camp death rose apon anne , and margot franke. A survivor of the holocaust named Viktor Frankl sent into the Auschwitz concentration camp. He was then shortly moved into the Kaufering camp associated with the Dachau camp. He spent a total of four years in the holocaust. Surviving the most inhuman things gas treatments and much more. Since he was a doctor he focused on energy and believing. After getting out of the camp he shortly after wrote a book about his experience and died not to long after. On september 2, 1997 viktor passed away. Anne frank and Viktor Frankl are very popular until this day because of their brave acts of encouragement and fightful

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