The Holocaust: The Diary Of Anne Frank

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“Who has inflicted this upon us? Who has made us Jews different from all other people? Who has allowed us to suffer so terribly up till now? It is god that has made us as we are, but it will be god, too, who will raise us up again. If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, we will be held up as an example.”-Anne Frank. Hitler was born in 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria, in the 1920s he caused speculation, he later died in 1910. Literature can help us remember and honor the victims of the Holocaust because there are ones that pour out their heart in their books while when they talk in person they will only tell a little bit. If you were to read the book you can have …show more content…

They have made a play about Anne Frank’s diary. Telling information about Anne’s diary on page 103 paragraph 26. Later on in the diary, Anne talks about it being tense in the attic on page 108 paragraph 54. Anne’s father reading through her diary, all of “Diary of Anne Frank Act I” and “I” The cites support reason by explaining the reasons for the diary. In this act they were acting it out in the next paragraph is her actual Anne’s diary …show more content…

There are many different ways to remember the past through literature like the diary of Anne Frank Act I and Act II, they showed what they meet though others in a play. There are also other books like Diary of Anne Frank, where the information is actually from Anne’s diary. There is also one more, there are moves that have gotten a prize for best actor, best actress, and movie of the year, there are also awarded for books there are ones that have received the Nobel Peace Prize such as Eliesel Wiesel. With books we get to learn about how they had to live, how they were treated. They also help us to know that they were human just like everyone else in this world. They have hearts, they are living beings. These books help those people live on, books help carry their legacy on even when they're gone. Books also help us to understand them as a person, how they think, how they react, their emotions, and without books we would not be able to know what they went

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