The Holocaust Controversy

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The Holocaust is an event that will live forever in infamy in the minds and hearts of everyone that knows its story and of the suffering the victims experienced. The victims of what was mainly Jewish descent were persecuted against by the Nazi regime Because of their anti-Semitic views that led to the largest and most famous Genocide in the history of mankind. The story of the Holocaust spread and was spread around the globe until over time a few facts became mixed or misinterpreted. These misinterpretations gave anti-Semitics and Neo-Nazis what they needed to stir up controversy on the subject to pull blame away from the Nazi Regime. These ideals are wrong but have led to debates over what is right and wrong on the subject and the people who tell the lies need to be proven wrong.
The first denier tale was about a specialist on the design and fabrication of execution weapons and the denouncing of the gas chambers themselves. This man was Fred A. Leuchter who, in 1988, took samples of the walls at Birkenau and Lublin gas chambers in Auschwitz. In his so called findings he apparently didn’t find as much cyanide residue as there should have been on the walls. After this test the Polish government, in 1991, tried the test as well and supposedly found the same thing as Fred. The deniers go on in saying that the gas chambers themselves were not designed right to be used as gas chambers. They say that the chambers did not have the right windows or doors for their purpose and that the buildings did not have proper if any ventilation of the chambers when they were done. They tried to say “no equipment exists to exhaust the air-gas mixture from these buildings. Nothing was made to introduce or distribute the gas throughout the chambers. ...

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... the proof and the their argument being proven wrong there still are deniers of the Holocaust today and still persist to deny the truth. This leads to the truth of their argument and the many more the deniers may have to an end.

Works cited
“Holocaust Deniers and Public Misinformation” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
10 Apr. 2014. Web. 10 Apr. 2014.
Weber, Mark.”Is the Holocaust a Hoax?” Biblebelievers 11 Mar. 2012. Web. 4 Apr. 2014.

Lipstadt, Deborah “Denying the Holocaust” BBC 17 Feb. 2011. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

Holocaust Denial” Alpha History Alpha History, 14 Apr. 2014. Web. 14 Apr. 2014

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