The History Of Epigenetics

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Epigenetics and genetics: our true. Epigenetics, which also means “above genetics”, is defined as the study of chemical reactions that take place in the organism as this one grows and develop. This chemical reaction activate and deactivate at certain time and location some parts of the genome. The video resulted extremely interesting because it shows how our body react to the epigenomes and how important is our lifestyle to our health and for the health of our next generations. For years, scientists had though that the only way to get infected with an infectious disease is trough out parasites, viruses, or bacteria, but there is a reason why not everybody is susceptible to the same diseases or can be infected with the same virus than others, …show more content…

Epigenetics also can be responsible for changes of histone, the main protein component of chromatin, which is a combination of DNA and protein to make the nucleus of a cell. Also, the idea of epigenetics therapy is to stay away from killing the cell. The idea is to remember the cell that it is also a human cell, that it should not be behaving that way. Researchers are trying to do this by reactivating the genes. New measures in our lifestyle and some nutritional supplements can help us to control the effects of both epigenetics and genetics. Some of the first step to minimize the damage is to avoid environmental chemicals. Changes in our DNA can be related to exposure to environmental toxins such as BPA, pesticides, solvents, etc. we are not only exposed to this toxins through water or food, but also through cosmetics, hair dyer, or sunscreen. Furthermore, eating a balance diet is fundamental. A diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruit can help us decrease the risks of methylation defects. Also, for anyone who has a genetic predisposition to develop a genetic disease it is important to control the amount of sugar, lack of sleep, and stress. This can help to prevent the development of the

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