The Historical-Grammatical Method By John S. Mcclure

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Intra – textual means it is determined by the exact wording of the text, and by the immediate literary context of words and sentences. It produces answers such as what is the original reading? Does this word or phrase occur elsewhere in this text with a similar or different meaning? What is the grammatical structure of this sentence and what is its relationship to what precedes and follows? Extra textual meaning is determined by the historical, cultural and geographical context in which the text was produced, which it presupposes and to which it refers. Inter – textual meaning is determined by the references or Gospels use of passages from their scripture. John S. McClure also suggested that this method also known as propositional text method. This method is the essential one to know the meaning of the biblical text. Therefore, I would like to follow exegetical method as my …show more content…

It can be viewed in two purposes of this method. The grammatical principle, which uses knowledge of language to understand the biblical text and the historical principle focusing on such issues as the importance of finding out all that can be known about the author and audience and the social context of the written text. Today higher and lower criticisms together establish what is commonly mentioned as the historical–critical method. Lower criticism is designated text criticism, and higher criticism takes the form of source, form, redaction, rhetorical, and social-scientific criticism. I like to focus upon the historical values of the New Testament documents to bring out the intended meaning for its original receiver. So, I decided that the task of historical criticism is to bridge the gap between the original period of the written text and the period of today’s context. After the historical criticism, the next approach in the exegetical process is source criticism. 3.2. Source

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