The Heros Cycle In Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

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What is a hero’s cycle? To start off, the hero’s cycle is a quest pattern that all hero (someone who embarks on a quest) follow. The hero’s cycle is found in almost all myths, legends and novels. A great example of the hero’s cycle could be seen in the novel Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The main character, Harry Potter, goes through three important stages of the cycle, the departure, initiation, and the return stage. Theses stages have subdivisions which not only contributes to the growth of the hero but also lays out what a hero goes through in order to achieve his/her quest.
Joseph Campbell the founder of the hero’s journey precisely lays out each stage and subdivision on what the hero goes through. The hero first starts in the ordinary world where he is used to everything. Harry who lives in the cubby under the stairs, is used to being bullied by his uncle, aunt and his cousin. The start of Harry’s journey as a hero, begins when he gets a mail. This mail is important because harry doesn’t had never received a letter before due to the fact that he has no other family who would write to him. As he is opening the envelope Dudley, Harry’’s cousin, sanches the mail from Harry and gives it to his …show more content…

Joseph Campbell’s Hero With A Thousand Faces, as summarized by Christopher Vogler, states, “A Hero often refuses [or is reluctant] to take on the Journey because of fears and insecurities that have surfaced from the Call to Adventure. The Hero may not be willing to make changes, preferring the safe haven of the Ordinary World.” (Vogler). In the case of Harry, he wanted to know about the letter, but his uncle Vernon refused it because the Dursley family did not want to see Harry happy. The Dursley family went as far as moving to an island in middle of nowhere so they wouldn’t be bothered by any mail. It is on this island where Harry is surprised on his

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