The Hero's Adventure, By Joseph Campbell

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What is the point of the destination when you did not experience anything during the journey? The journey to a destination is crucial to not only writing a good story, but to learning and growing from the experience. Reasons why billionaires such as Elon Musk or Jeff Bezoes are so smart and rich is not from inheritance, which can be a factor for most, but they struggled and fought through adversity to make them stronger. The journey is always more important than the destination, and without it, you wouldn’t be who you are today. This is shown in The Hero’s Adventure, To A Friend Whose Work Has Come To Triumph, and my own personal experience. In "The Hero's Adventure," Joseph Campbell outlines the hero's journey, a narrative pattern found in myths and stories across cultures. It is …show more content…

She shows the consequence of ignorance from people who abuse the power and their foolishness overtakes them, “Who cares that he fell back to the sea? Plunging down while his sensible daddy goes straight to town.” She highlights the importance of perseverance, resilience, and introspection in navigating life's journey, to possibly avoid foolish acts such as Icarus’. Sexton captures the essence of the human experience, where triumphs are often preceded by moments of doubt, pain, and uncertainty. My personal experience has shown me how far my resilience and passion can take me if I focus on the goal. One of the best experiences of resilience in life was my journey through baseball. I wouldn’t be on the high school team if it wasn’t for my father or coaches. This has shown me that during my journey, I don’t have to pursue it alone and get help from the ones closest to me or ones who have gone through the same journey. Baseball has changed my life and without it, I wouldn’t have the same drive or passion as I would

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