The Guillotine: Prior To The Reign Of Terror

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The guillotine itself was used prior to the reign of terror and is documented being used after the reign of terror as well (Symbol of Revolution). In light of this it was not the invention of the guillotine that proves Mead’s theory but rather the idea the guillotine championed that proves her ideas. The guillotine was a representation of an idea to show more compassion and humanity in the treatment of all humans. Even those who had been convicted of a serious crime. The French did this by enacting legislation, forcing all executions to be beheadings by guillotine in 1792 (Symbol of Revolution). Guillotines much like gunpowder were initially invented with a noble purpose of relieving the suffering of death. Although one was meant to stop it from happening and the other intended to bring death quicker. The …show more content…

The immediate effect was the weakening of the French revolutionary government allowing Napoleon to take control of the government by military takeover. This event changed the landscape and direction of European politics for nearly two hundred years following the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo. However, that is a paper in itself and not as important as the long term social change this machine of death encouraged. It came to symbolize a changing of regime, the road from oppression to freedom. The people of France cheered the executions because they believed it paved a path to democracy. When in contrast it only created more turmoil. It twisted the idea of justice into one of where the right thing is what the most people want (Brown). The Reign of Terror which was made possible by the guillotine also left another example that change could only come from conflict and blood. Whether you agree with this assumption or not it is crudely obvious this belief still holds true in the modern day. Every uprising against government since the French revolution has involved conflict and

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