Similarities Between The Guillotine And The French Revolution

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- The Guillotine is associated with the French Revolution. The French Revolution took place between 1789 to 1799 and was an uprising in France against the monarchy after France became a Republic. The Revolution was mainly caused by a financial crises after losing and spending money in various wars such as the Seven Years War and the American Revolution. When the Estates General convened, it was clear that the higher class levels were not going to give up their privileges to save the country which angered the lower classes. This lead to the people stormed the Bastille prison in opposition to the government. In turn, this lead to the Reign of Terror which had 15,000 people executed in order to eliminate all controversy. The Guillotine was proposed by Doctor Joseph Ignance Guillotin as punishment for criminals. Before the Guillotine, people were tortured for long periods of time, so …show more content…

The Guillotine brought equality in death to the French Revolution. Sometimes people of higher classes would receive quick deaths whereas people of the lower classes would receive slow, torturous deaths. People of many classes were being killed and the Guillotine allowed everyone to receive equal punishments rather than being tortured. The tribunals were self-selected revolutionaries that dictated who was guilty and who needed to be executed. There were 44,000 of these councils. During the tribunals, most people were prosecuted bases on suspicions and no hard evidence. The Guillotine was also depicted on pins which were worn by supporters of the French Revolution. The Guillotine was a very significant tool and a minimum of 440,000 were executed via the Guillotine. In my analysis, the Guillotine added to the motto of the French Revolution “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death.” The Guillotine made death equal and assured liberty and

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