Harry Houdini Analysis

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Throughout Harry Houdini’s career and life, he had many different accomplishments that made him one of the greatest magicians in history. I felt that making a magazine was the best option to portray Houdini. With the magazine I was able to talk about everything that occurred in his life, career, and after his death. In the magazine I talked about his unexpected death, road to fame, magic career, after death experiences, and other magicians. All of these experiences help Houdini become the man he was. I first talked about his death because this is a magazine a week after his death. After talking about his death I wanted to talk about how he became a great magician. He experiences a lot of adversity, some including being poorly educated and moving with his father to New York. After taking about his road to fame, I talked about what he did that made him very famous. Houdini was able to escape handcuffs and even escape out of a water tank with his feet tied to the top of the tank. To keep the reader interested in reading the magazine, I wanted to add an article that consisted of fun facts that the reader may not know. By having this in the magazine, it will make the reader …show more content…

I wanted to add a lot of information on P.T. Selbit, the other magician that was popular during this time. P.T. Selbit was famous for the illusion of cutting a woman in half using a saw. This trick is still in magic performances today. The main idea this magazine is trying to convey is how inspiring and influential Houdini was on the American society. Even though his career didn’t start out the way he wanted, he was able preserve and make a magic career very successful. Additionally, I was trying to convey the idea of the American dream. By writing about every detail in his life, it showed how Houdini started very low and ended very

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