The Glass Menagerie Essay

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The Glass Menagerie, a memory play, written in 1944 by Tennessee Williams which brought him to fame. It is a four character play which stars Williams as the main character and narrator. This play is of Tom’s recollection of his mother Amanda, and his sister Laura. The play starts off which Tom’s opening monologue, which explains the background and history of the play. His mother Amanda was a middle age southern belle, who was deserted by her husband and was trying to raise her two children. Laura, Tom’s older sister, was very shy and had an illness which left her with a disabled and fragile. Amanda’s devotion to her children have driven them away from her. Her high expectations and demands have forced them to seek comfort and safety from other sources. Amanda has become her children harsh reality. Tom and Laura each have their own way of escaping reality. For Tom, he goes off to the movies at night to seek an adventure and also to local bars. For Laura, she listens to music and instead of going to class she goes off to the zoo, the movies, and wanders around aimlessly for hours. Laura also has her glass menageries which she cares deeply about. Although in the play Amanda is her children’s reality, she also has her own way of escaping her own reality. …show more content…

He took a job at a shoe warehouse to help provide for his family for Amanda and Laura. With the money he makes, he help pay for most of the bills and but Laura through business school. Tom’s is very miserable with his life and feel both obligated and burdened by his family Because he had to take on the responsibilities as the main provider, Tom had to put his dream of being a poet aside.. Amanda’s constant pressure on him to be better and do better frustrates Tom to a point where he can no longer bare it and abandons his family, just like his father, to fulfill a life of freedom and

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