The Glass Menagerie Research Paper Outline

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The Glass Menagerie
The Glass Menagerie was written by Tennessee Williams and first opened on the 31st of March, 1945 (“Tennessee Williams Biography”). Williams was born in Columbus, Missouri on March 26th, 1911 as Thomas Lanier Williams III (“Tennessee Williams Biography”). The Williams family moved to a larger city, St. Louis, while Thomas was growing up. The new urban environment turned Thomas to writing and staying indoors (“Tennessee Williams Biography”). He was predominately raised by his mother, Edwina Williams, and had a complicated relationship with his father, Cornelius Williams (“Tennessee Williams Biography”). His relationships along with his parent’s marriage provided fuel for Williams in his writings (“Tennessee Williams …show more content…

He began his education at the University of Missouri, but his father made him withdrawal shortly after due to his girlfriend being enrolled in the same school (“Tennessee Williams Biography”). While working in a shoe factory that he despised, Williams turned to writing to escape from work (“Tennessee Williams Biography”). Tennessee returned to St. Louis to connect with several poets and finished his education at the University of Iowa with a degree in journalism (“Tennessee Williams Biography”). He moved to New Orleans shortly after college where his works were inspired by the city living (“Tennessee Williams Biography”). William’s The Glass Menagerie was his first play to open on Broadway (“Tennessee Williams Biography”). A Streetcar Named Desire won Tennessee his first Pulitzer Prize and Drama Critics’ Award. (“Tennessee Williams Biography”). William’s play Battle of Angels was his first to be adapted into a screenplay (“Tennessee Williams Biography”). Many of his plays have been adapted into movies and stared great actors and actresses of the time (“Tennessee Williams Biography”). Tennessee Williams died in New York, New York on February 25th, …show more content…

Louis apartment during the great depression. The play is narrated by Tom Wingfield, the son, who tells of a few days in the family’s home. Amanda, the mother, is uneducated and without a stable job and depends entirely on Tom for financial support. Mr. Wingfield abandoned the family and Amanda fears that Tom will do the same. Laura, the daughter, is disabled and lives at home at twenty-three years old. Laura spends most of her time caring and cleaning her collection of glass menagerie. Tom works in a shoe factory where he despises every second of his time. He uses his free time to go to the movies and write poetry. At the beginning of the play, Amanda is directing Tom on how to eat his dinner, that he responds with anger. Shortly after, Amanda learns that Laura has dropped out of school and becomes infuriated. Laura suffers from shyness due to the brace on her leg from pleurosis making a thundering noise. She confessed that she had been walking the park each and every day instead of attending classes. With Laura depleting her chance of a future, Amanda suggests that Laura must now find a gentleman caller to take care of her financially. Amanda keeps recalling her times as a young southern belle in finding a gentleman caller and having seventeen at one time. She is focused on finding a suitable caller for her daughter and asks Tom for his help in doing so. Tom finds a young man to bring home

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