The Giver Ceremony

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The Giver opens with the main character, Jonas, describing his feelings of apprehension about The Ceremony of Twelve; during this ceremony, Jonas and the other “twelves” will receive their assigned occupation in which they will work for the rest of their life. Later that night, his parents comfort him, letting him know that the Committee of Elders have observed him thoroughly and will assign him accordingly.

Spouses are assigned to each other and can only have one son and one daughter, and they do not produce the children themselves. Jonas’s father is a nurturer in the community and is currently tending to a new child, Gabe, who is developing slowly, so he takes him home for extra care. The book then explains more strange details of the community, …show more content…

But, Jonas is bewildered when the Chief Elder skips Jonas when it becomes his turn. Later, they describe that Jonas has been selected as the community’s new Receiver of Memory. They describe that this job requires the ability to “see beyond.” This basically means seeing colors, in which Jonas experienced with the apple.

Jonas receives instructions for his assignment. He feels they are peculiar because they let him be rude, ask questions, and lie (which are extremely uncommon). The Giver warns Jonas that he must receive the world’s generations of memories. He gives him these by touching his back. Jonas's first memory is of a sled going down a snowy hill. This is strange to Jonas because him community practices “sameness” and “climate control”, so there is no hills, temperature, or color. Later in the book, Jonas insists on painful memories; The Giver gives him memories of broken bones, starvation, and war.

Jonas grows curious about what “release” is, so The Giver shows Jonas a tape of Jonas's father releasing an underdeveloped infant by injecting and euthanizing him. Jonas becomes disgusted that Sameness has abolished independence, love and the value of life. The Giver agrees with this realization, and they develop a plan for Jonas to run away; this will release the memories to the

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