The Gift Of Sweat Analysis

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The Hidden Meaning Behind “The Gift of Sweat” The Gift of Sweat” by Rebecca Brown, tells the story of a man with a mysterious disease. The story is told from what we presume is one of the man’s friends. We read about her routine with Rick, the man that is ill, and his happenings. This story is intriguing because it is very poignant and mysterious. This makes us wonder about this character's lives and why the outcome of the story is what it ended up to be.. What makes this story so pleasurable is the writing style. The way the author made us predict what Rick’s illness was, made the story that much more interesting. The way Brown played with context clues made the readers interested, it made the readers want more and figure out more about the characters, and the story itself. …show more content…

Brown never approached any of the problems in the story directly. She gives you indications and actions within the story that make you ponder about what it’s happening in the story,besides the main plot that we are reading. One example is, the author doesn’t directly say that Rick is a homosexual.This quote from the story lets us infer this,“Every Saturday night he and Barry would watch a movie on the VCR in the living room. They’ll pull the futon out like a bed and watch it from there and pretend they were at a bed-and-breakfast on vacation.” This passage from the story tells us that Rick could be a homosexual, but it is not clearly expressed. When you read about what Rick and Barry are doing, t pictures them as a normal couple hanging out on a weekend. We can assume that Rick was in a relationship with Barry. The reader can come to a deduction and therefore they want to keep reading to solve more of the mysteries intertwine in this

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