Essay About Coming To Age

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Rachel McCauley Coming of Age and Identity 2/26/13 Coming to age means various things in different cultures, religions and regions in the world. As an example, in the Jewish religion coming of age happens when a boy or girl reaches the age of thirteen and has a Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah, which symbolizes reaching religious maturity. On the other hand, coming to age is not about turning a certain age or being able to bare a child, but rather coming to terms with your personal identity. Coming to terms with your personal identity does not happen over night, it entails finding yourself and accepting yourself as an individual. Moreover, in the short story, “Birthmark” and the excerpt of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the night, they depict characters that have a hard time coming to terms with themselves. In both scenarios the characters face adversities that the majority of the population do not face which makes them feel like outcasts. Additionally, both characters come-to-age by finding their personal identity through all of the tribulations that they face. In the short story, “ Birthamrk”, the main characters defining aspect of her identify is a port wine stained birthmark on her face. She has always struggled with the mark on her face, which made her feel uncomfortable; she believed that she would be prettier if she did not have the mark on her face. The character had the birthmark removed when she was twenty-three but, “she has waited patiently from the time she was fourteen” to have it removed. After it was removed she still felt self-conscious. The character believed that people who met her after her aesthetic surgery would feel differently about her. Moreover, she did not choose this identity for herself, because she... ... middle of paper ... the two characters time to find their identities. For example, it took the woman in “Birthmark” 15 years to come to term with her identity. This is relatable because for most people it takes days, weeks or even years. Further more, the writing styles and plot of each story gives the reader an effective understanding of the characters. Both writing styles give the reader good insight because they can understand what the characters feel. Coming to age and finding one’s identity can be a long and stressful process. Every person struggles with his or her own hardships. It may take them years months or days but nerveless it is important to overcome them so one can truly find them self in the process. The main character in “Birthmark” and Christopher both had different scenarios that they had to overcome. In conclusion, both characters come-to-age by accepting their o

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