The Genetic Adaptation Of Marfan's Syndrome

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What do Michael Phelps, Abraham Lincoln, Mary Queen of Scots, & Tutankhamen all have in common? Although these may seem like completely unrelated names, these are all people suspected of having Marfan’s Syndrome, a genetic mutation obtained through heredity. How does DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) and its complex (structure) relate to inheritance of traits in organisms—especially in humans? DNA is inherited from ones biological parents, and is the basis of heredity. It contains the code for all of our attributes, including how they will form. DNA is composed of four different chemicals, otherwise knows as nucleotide bases—A, T, C, & G. DNA is found in chromosomes—and each offspring receives one chromosome from their mother and father (each). In DNA, there are genes— specific sequences that carry hereditary information and control he expression of this hereditary traits. Heredity is the expression of characteristics obtained form ancestor to descendant through the transmission of genes. Inconsistencies can occur in these genes, however. Environmental & hereditary agents cause changes in ...

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