DNA: The Satirical Codex of Life and Genetics

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Everyone is familiar with the blue print, or book, of life. Deoxyribonucleic Acid, or DNA, for short. After all, every single cell of our trillion possesses a double-membraned blob (nucleus) just to house it. As with anyone who ever studied genetics, pilgrims to the Delphic oracle in ancient Greece always discovered something profound about them when they inquired of it-but rarely that which they assumed to have learned in the first place. The Greek king Croesus once asked the oracle if he should commence a war with a neighboring kingdom only to be told “You will destroy a great empire”. He did only his own. Likewise, DNA speaks in code with the occasional satirical message. Unlike Delphi, our oracle still speaks, and louder than ever. From …show more content…

I was truly ensnared by this nucleic acid and resultantly, decided to do my summative on genetics. Consequently, I began to read the book The Violinist’s Thumb by Sam Kean, a wondrous book devoted to recounting humanities story (genetically). The unique title is derived from the morbid story of Nicollo Paganini, a man so skilled at playing the violin, people were positive he struck a deal with the devil. So much so that his church refused to bury his body after his successful but traumatizing life came to an end. Anthropologists believe his success was predetermined in his DNA, as he had a genetic disorder which made the connective tissue in his hands intensely rubbery. In being so, he was able to stretch his fingers at grotesque angles and dominate the violin. Of course, this genetic blessing came at a price: disease. Paganini suffered many diseases one of which caused his left testicle to swell to the size of “a small pumpkin” he sobbed. While researching genetics I was taken aback by the sheer grandeur of this field. There’s no bolder topic in science, no field that holds such potential or promise to push our race forward to the same …show more content…

But why? What puts above other species? If there is anything I have learned from researching genetics it is that we refuse to accept our DNA. Have you ever gone swimming? That act, although it may seem innocent, is defying our genes. Take this moment to examine your body… feel free to comment if you have gills, nuptial pads, or dorsal fins. Point proven. Evolutionarily speaking, Homo sapiens have no reason to swim as we are land-based creatures. Genetically speaking, our DNA does not code for proteins allowing some of our cells to specialize into the aforementioned features. Simply put, we are not supposed to swim yet we do anyway. Another example is how an estimated 0.3% of the population is transgender. Although, a few animals exhibited gender discomfort they still adapted and began to behave such as their gender. Humans defy their biology and their physical being due to mental discomfort. This suggests that our being is centered in our thoughts. After all, shockingly, humans do not have more DNA than most animals. This suggests a significant unknown variable is responsible for our complexity: conscious. As Descartes infamously once said: “I think, therefore, I

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