The Fray

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If I were to ask you to think of one song that truly was your quintessence, I am sure that you can think of one right away. How to Save a Life by The Fray would be the song that represents me. This song really speaks to me because it deals with a major issue in my life. I have dealt with depression for many years. I have always felt a deep inadequacy for all of my accomplishments. Always hearing that I have no reason to be depressed made me feel even worse. In the recent years I have found ways to deal with my own depression, while also trying to help others with the same problems. Having someone to talk to and praying have been my two saving graces. I argue that it does not take a clinical physiologist to save someone from depression. Anyone can be a cure to depression as depicted in the song.
The song was written and sang by lead singer of the band The Fray, Isaac Slade, in 2004. The song goes through the story of Slade and his friend who suffers from depression and resorts to using drugs as an escape. Slade is trying everything he can to help his friend break the vicious cycle of depression and drugs. The song does not have a happy ending because the depressed friend ends up dying, leaving Slade with emptiness inside. However, the song has an extremely deep meaning to people who suffer from depression, despite its unfortunate ending.
In my personal experiences I have been on the verge of resorting to overdosing on drugs to try and “deal” with my problems, problems such as Slade’s friend in the song has. One of my high school teachers noticed the change in my mood from day to day and decided to take it into his hands to try and help me get through my problems. Much like in the song he had me come in for weekly visits to sit do...

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...hing to turn help his friend around from the path he is on. Knowing that there are people out there, like my teacher and Slade, that are willing to take time out of their busy schedule to sit down and talk to another person is a very uplifting feeling. Depression can be cured by a small amount of attention to detail. Having a positive attitude and paying attention to other people around you can make a world of difference. Sitting down and listening to someone when they have had a rough day could possibly be the difference between life and death. This song has been an anthem for people suffering from depression, and given them hope to keep fighting for that silver lining. This song may not have the deepest meaning for everyone, but to the affected people it can symbolize their life. It will help them search out their loved ones and God who will get them through this.

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