The Four Categories Of Altruism And Assisted Suicide

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Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, conceptualized defense mechanisms. He stated that defense mechanisms were our way of avoiding anxiety that is often caused by unreasonable impulses that originate from the id and result in guilt. The guilt is then incorporated into the super ego’s moral conscience and is later applied as a reaction to the experience. In other words, we use defense mechanisms as a way of dealing with everyday life to protect ourselves from feelings of anxiety or guilt, which may arise from feeling threatened, or from our id or superego becoming too demanding. Defense mechanisms are not under our conscious control, and are non-voluntary. Later, his daughter Anna Freud classified the defense mechanisms into different categories according to their properties. The four categories are, healthy or mature defenses, unhealthy or the immature defenses, the neurotic defenses and the Pathological defenses. Mature defenses Altruism This is the usage of instinctually gratifying and valuable services towards others when undergoing an everyday experience. This defense mechanism is associated with altruistic surrender as a way …show more content…

Humor is a technique that helps one to deal with anxious or stressful situations. Humor allows a person to tolerate a potentially terrible experience by shifting the focus. I remember one of my mothers best friends using humor as a way of dealing with her diagnosis of cancer. She has since passed away, but I remember how she would make jokes about the way she looks after her hair fell out from the chemotherapy. She often came and stayed with us after her treatments since she was weak and would laugh and tell jokes about how the joke is on the chemotherapy medication because she was planning to shave her hair and donate it anyway. There was always a sadness to when she got to the punchline that 'cancer beat her to

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