Comparing Duman's 'Sweet, Sour, And Resentful'

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Humour allows other's to understand a difficult situation without feeling the need to feel uncomfortable about it. In Duman's "Sweet, Sour, and Resentful," the author uses humour to address a rather taxing situation their mother has found herself in. With the daily need to cook, or plan, or head to the market, or answer phone calls, she is constantly focused on a secular task. She is not allowed a moments rest, because she cannot allow herself to slip up, and have her rice overcook once more, or anything to be a step less than perfect. The story uses humour to cover the hardship this woman is facing; that she must work herself to the bone because it is expected of her. In Melby's "How to Make a Sno-Cone," the author uses humour to address

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