The Food Stamp Problem in the USA and Fingerprinting its Recipients

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According to the article Millions Commit Food Stamp Fraud Every Year, “Food stamps represent one of the fastest growing federal programs in the U.S., 46 million Americans now receive assistance, but, it's a program ripe for abuse” (Volk, 2012). Though the idea behind food stamps is noble, and there is a definite need for the program; there are many problems that arise from the food stamps program. The primary problem in terms of decision-making is the fraud associated with the food stamp program. According to Tanner as quoted in the Millions Commit Food Stamp Fraud Every Year article, “The food stamp program has always had one of the highest rates of waste, fraud and abuse” (Volk, 2012). In an attempt to ensure that food stamps were being used only by those in need of food stamps, there were a few states that implemented a fingerprinting program for food stamp recipients. The fingerprinting program was introduced with the hopes of cracking down on the fraud associated with the food stamp program. The goal was to save tax-payer’s money as well as enforce that those individuals needin...

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