The Flow of Kanye West

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In an ever growing industry where masses of bland mc’s come out of the woodwork to drop hooks it’s becoming more difficult to distinguish yourself in the hip hop community. Hip hop is a numbers game and we’re not talking record sales. Each rapper has a distinctive “flow”. Flow in this case refers to the rhythmic structure that is derived from the interaction between the rapper’s words and the musical rhythms of those words. On the other spectrum of hip hop are bars, a bar is simply a musical duration of time, akin to how minutes measure time. When multiple bars are combined they form a verse or hook, and the hooks and verses form the final song that you are more accustomed to. When combined with the nature of their rhymes, or the nature of their sentences, and the repetition of rhymes an artist’s creates their distinctive sound. Hailing from the windy city we have Kanye “Yeezus” West. In my opinion Kanye West is one of the most indubitable rappers of this generation; however he is technically a simple rapper. He drops one or two rhymes per bar, and they range from one to two syllab...

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