The Flight of Icarus

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The Flight of Icarus

I find the most fascinating of ancient writings to be Greek mythology. Writings produced by the early Greeks, in my opinion, even rival modern day literature. Hard to believe considering everything the human race has experienced and endured up to this point. With so many Greek tragedies, my favorite has to be "The Flight of Icarus." Our story begins on the isle of Crete. The earliest known settlers were the Minoans. King Minos ruled this island nation. This Greek tragedy involves an inventor named Daedalus. His homeland was Athens. For a short time, his apprentice was his sister's son Perdix. When Daedalus feared that Perdix would surpass him in talent, he murdered the boy by tossing him from the Acropolis of Athens. He was then tried at the Areopagus and banished from the city. Daedalus fled to Crete, where he began to work at the court of King Minos and Queen Pasiphae, in their magnificent palace of Knossos. There he constructed a wooden cow for the Queen to hide in to satisfy her amorous longings for a white bull sent by P...

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