The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team By Patrick Lencioni

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DIALOGUE 2.0 -workshop- The five dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni was one of the best books I read in the last half a year. I enjoyed reading it and one of the things that stroke me in the first pages was that teams are naturally dysfunctional because they are made by imperfect human beings. I never thought of it this way and it helped me understand what is happening in our team. Struggling for a year and a half can become so frustrating that I lost my hope of ever becoming a team, until this book helped me understand better how a team is and its dysfunctions and until this workshop gave me a spark of hope and motivation for our team. The book is about a tech company which thinks it has it all but only one ingredient is missing. …show more content…

The insight I got from this part and the course is that for a team to perform people must hold each other accountable. In is not easy, because a dysfunctional team fears that they will jeopardize valuable relationships. There are some tools in the book which can help in this way: “Publication of goals and standards” this is a clarification of what the team needs to achieve. For that we have the Team Manifest and “Simple and Regular progress review”. Most people tend to focus on the individual goals and purposes. A functioning team must make the collective results more important than the individual. The fifth level is “Inattention to RESULTS”, a team avoids distractions, minimize individual behavior, enjoy success and suffer failure. To achieve the fifth level a team must make results clear and Reward only those behaviors and actions that contribute to those results. One of the key takeaways from this course was when Cosmin told us an example of a team he worked with. One of the team members was working hard, losing nights and flying every weekend to see his mother because she had cancer and he was an expat. The other team members said he was cold and that he does not care. But, in 6 months neither one of them asked him how his mother felt. Cosmin said that there is another level of our culture which is CARE. Trust and care go hand to hand, they sustain each other in building a

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