The Fbi's Uniform Crime Report

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The concept of sexual harassment and rape are centuries old; for years and years, both women and men have been subjects to unwanted advances on their person. If one were to take a look back into American history, then we would find countless of stories featured in the local papers and the local gossippers mouths about victims of rape. The victims were mostly slave women and domestic servants who would be raped by their masters and then end up in The Abolitionist press(Reva B. Siegel, 2003). Men have never mentioned in those reports, and for the United States, it took the government 85 years to create a definition for rape in which men can be classified as victims. From 1927 to 2012 the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program would defined rape as "the carnal knowledge of a female, forcibly and against her will."(SOURCE). This was despite the fact that of all sexual assaults per year in countries such as the UK and the USA male rape victims make up 5 to 10% of all cases(SOURCE). Now in the U.S rape is defined as "The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim."(SOURCE). The new definition …show more content…

It was insinuated in the research that this was a result of peoples views of the act of sexual intercourse for heterosexual men being so different than the act of sexual interaction between gay men.It is presumed that gay man are more accustomed to having sexual relations with other men and therefore those who were surveyed saw this a reason for it to be less traumatic. There is a Hierarchy of suffering in where heterosexual males are put at the top of those most impacted by rape, women follow next and then at the bottom of the line are gay males (Emma Sleath & Ray Bull,

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