How Did The Survivors Of The F-227 Crash Violate?

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1) Give a brief summary of the reading. What event was it describing and how was it analyzing that event?
The reading was about an event that happened in which a plane had crashed in the mountains and its survivors were forced to eat the meat of the corpses or choose death by starvation. At first, the idea of eating the corpses was rejected by most, but it quickly became “normal” among all members that wanted to survive. The bodies were used for more than just meat; fat, skin, and other tissues were used as food and tools to aid in survival. A group of people from the survivors set out to find help, and within two weeks they had found communication and the survivors were saved just prior to the holidays. The taboo events that had happened were originally covered up, but then exposed. This reading analyzed the event in a chronological order in regards to the corpse consumption. I found it to be unbiased as it explained how the people ate and how their ideas of eating changed.

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It is widely “frowned up” to eat people, but this social norm was violated due to the circumstances and need for survival. It is even a worse violation that the survivors were eating the meat that belonged to the bodies of their friends. The survivors also ate non-meat portions of the bodies, which I feel violates social norms even further than eating just the meat. For the conditions, social norms needed to be violated to allow for the survival of the people. The bodies were also used as supplies, such as feet warmers, which also violates social

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