The Evolution Of Communication, Technology And Business Communication

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Writing is one of the oldest forms of communication. It started back as cave drawings and has evolved into so many different forms. As technology changes, our communication strategies are changing as well. Business Communications has always been affected by the changes in our environment, but the digital age has increased the efficiency, speed, and simplicity of the way we communicate. Communicating with anyone in the world continues to get more efficient every single day. Technology has made communicating faster and in better quality. Business meetings can now be held with people anywhere in the world, at any time during the day, over a video call. Business people are also using email so much more than they are the telephone because of the efficiency. People do not answer a phone call when they do not know the number that is calling them. People will answer an email much faster than calling back a person who has left a voicemail for them. Writing has changed because of the efficiency that technology provides. With the invention of instant messaging, writing has started to become something new entirely. People are writing more often and faster to get a message across. Luckily, students know that the writing that they do with friends is much different than what employers are looking for in the work place (Guffey, M.E., & Loewy, D., pg. 3-29). …show more content…

It changes how we communicate, when we communicate, where we can communicate, how often we communicate and what accessories we use to communicate. Overall, everything about writing has changed. Jobs are changing and some are being eliminated because of the increase in technology. Students’ writing has changed so much because of how much and how fast they are communicating on a regular basis. The tools we use to communicate have changed from verbal to nonverbal. Technology has really changed the efficiency, speed, and simplicity of business

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