John Mcwhorter's Txtng Is Killing Language

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In "Txtng is killing language. JK!!!" John McWhorter presents a very intriguing topic. He expresses his idea which can also be shared by many people today that the brief and structure lacking style of texting is not a deterioration of language, but a free and loose style of speech through fingering. Technology is growing rapidly in today’s society and us as a human race has grown to depend on it. The age of when we use handwritten letters and have them delivered by a mailman are long over. We have since replaced them with heartfelt emails and text delivered instantly and electronically with a simple “Luv u,” or the simple yet ethereal smiley face blowing kisses. First off, almost every school, business, and home is running on some type of …show more content…

Technology has become so ingrained in society today, our younger generation can have a whole conversation through texting shorthand and never verbally speak. I do feel texting and emailing has changed the way we write to a certain extent. Sometimes when I’m emailing my son’s teacher, I find myself writing like I am texting. I always make sure I proofread my emails because I feel like when sending an email or text to someone in a professional setting, we should use proper grammar and punctuations. Even though SMS texting language has become common it’s still not always professional. It can have someone thinking you don’t know how to spell or use correct grammar and give them the wrong judgment on your educational level. There are also times when the receiver may not understand the shorthand texting language. This too can cause misunderstanding and confusion. It has been many of times I have had to respond to a text asking what do certain abbreviations mean. Our younger generations have, and still are, growing up in a world where technology is developing alongside humanity. Even though technology is growing at a rapid speed it is still if is vital to the youth to learn "proper" grammar and spelling. We cannot fill out job applications,

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